I don’t know about everybody else, but it seems as I get older I find myself sitting back and observing a little bit more. This might mean discovering something new that’s been in front of me the whole time or increasing the frequency at which I recognize the things for which I should be thankful. I credit this new found focus to a few different things: a stronger faith, a new wife and the challenge of growing a business. Although those first two are the most important, I want to focus on the latter.
Spiracle Media is about four months shy of its second birthday and for those of you who have never started a business, the process comes with a mixed bag of emotions and challenges. You start to find sheer joy in attaining the smallest of steps while maintaining a positive mindset as you move forward. I am a firm believer that if you think you will fail, you will and vice versa. I was inspired by this past Sunday’s sermon about giving thanks and since Thanksgiving is this week, I was moved to chime in, so here it goes.
There are plenty of things that I am thankful for when it comes to running a business. The first is the colleagues and friends that have taken an equal chance in this endeavor. All their hard work and input has defined a vision for the future.
The second is the opportunity to grow something organically from the ground up. To see our vision and ideas come to fruition is extra special.
The ability to overcome fear at step one. This doesn’t mean fear is absent, but simply reflects getting past the initial thought of failure and moving forward.
I am extremely thankful for past experience and mentors. Without those components, there would be no ambition, confidence or passion to branch out and test the status quo.
A strong network of contacts, former colleagues and friends. This is pivotal. The support of your peers lends encouragement and breeds strength when you surround yourself with the right people. I have always been blessed to be a part of a great circle and that is immeasurable.
And most of all: A business is nothing without the support of its clients. Thank you to all those who have taken a chance, not only on a company in its infancy, but more important on its people. It has given us an immense opportunity to grow in more ways than you can imagine and has afforded us the opportunity to tap into the creative aspects of our being.
Here’s to continued support, growth and doing it the right way in 2013…Cheers!