An integral part of success in your marketing strategy is reaching consumers. Producing an online marketing video or videos can help you take a big step in the right direction, but with that approach comes the process of selecting the right company for the job. Here’s a few tips to ask the right questions to get the most from your Video Production Company.
Is the investment worth it?
You don’t want this to be a one time video connection. Forming a relationship should be a goal so you don’t find yourself looking for another company every time you need a new video. Look for someone who communicates well and exhibits a solid grasp on the company goals you have in mind. The quality might be amazing, but if there is nothing to back up that quality, all you have is a good video with no additional connection. Make sure to ask how they plan to present your story and personalize your company.
What is your budget?
Decide how much you want to spend on video marketing. Remember videos will be the first thing consumers associate with your business so it is okay to spend a little more if you can. Being tight with your video budget can leave you with a lackluster video that has a short shelf life. Ask about how the video production company breaks down each of the costs and decide if it makes sense. Most companies are flexible, allowing them to produce a package that fits your needs.
Do they follow changing trends of video production?
Marketing videos grow and change as the trends grow and change. The point of video is to help you stand out and express your own unique message, not blend in with the other millions of videos. You can only stand out if you have fresh ideas that captivate consumers. A professional looking video with a clearly defined message and an element of creativity can be a winning combination.
Do the videos seem cheesy or professional?
You don’t want your consumers to feel they are being solicited or bombarded with your company rhetoric. Clarity in the audio as well as the colors and overall picture quality is essential. Viewers need to have a clear path to getting engaged and soaking in the message. Lesser quality can lead to an unneeded distraction. The more you engage the consumer, the more excited they’ll become about your product. Everything needs to flow in order to keep the attention of your viewers.
Do they truly care?
The video production company may look great on paper and video, but find out who they really are. Speak with people at the company and decide their business ethics. They need to ask you about your company and your goals. If they are not interested in your projects and your finish line, then they might not be the right fit for you. Their passion combined with your love for the business will make the video a success.
Is this a right fit?
Do your research by looking over their website, past experience, reading their blogs, client reviews and asking them direct questions. Companies or individuals with a background in television or broadcasting can be big plus when it comes to telling your story. There is no substitute for experience. Clearly define the point person and roles for all those involved in the process.
Success comes from working together for the greater good. A high quality video that reaches potential consumers will help you grow your business and connect on a deeper level. It will also formulate a relationship with the production company that can prove beneficial going forward. Once you answer all of these questions about your video production company, sit back and let the professionals present your message.