Instagram is home to over 130 million app users. Those users post around 40 million photos a day. By getting your pictures into that mix, you greatly enhance your chances of being noticed by an enormous amount of people. You can search through millions of hashtags (#) in order to find consumers using and talking about your products or services. This allows you to directly communicate with them about any feedback they may have.
If you’re concerned that you don’t have a physical product to take photos of, don’t be. You can get creative with pictures or videos of employees in the office, events you’ve attended or the success of the work you’re currently involved with. Company culture is always important to post about as well. Allowing potential clientele a look into the office atmosphere can give them a more well-rounded sense of what your brand is about.
So what do you do once you’ve created your account? Here are some helpful tips to get you started.
Fill out your profile- Add all the information your clients need to know about you. Your location, hours, phone number, email, etc. Make sure to leave links to your other social media accounts. You want your prospects to have all the tools they need to further their interest in your products or services.
Think about your content- Make sure your posts have something going for them. They could be funny, informative, or interesting. Just make sure they aren’t bland. Instagram is a platform that allows you to turn your creativity up a notch so take advantage of it.
Utilize hashtags- As Jarod Latch, Co-Founder of Spiracle Media would say, “Join the conversation customers are already having about you.” These social conversations happen every day and can include vital feedback that can help improve your brand. Use hashtags such as #spiraclemedia or #spiraclemediacharlotte in order to locate other people’s posts about your products or services.
Engage! Once you’ve found these users on Instagram, let them know! Join the social conversations by following them so you can see future posts from them. Feel free to comment on their thoughts about your company. Throw in a “Thanks!” if they’re praising what you have to offer. If they have a concern about your product or service make sure to address it. A thoughtful message like, “We’re so sorry to hear that, how can we improve?” can squash the issue the majority of the time.
Don’t over do it: Keep your posts regular but not overwhelming. As soon as you overwhelm a follower, they are much more inclined to unfollow.
Introduce everyone: Allow your followers to get to know your employees and yourself. This is the easiest way to humanize your brand. Show the quirky relatable sides of your employees. Not only does this make people more inclined to support your brand but it could also attract new talent if you show enough of your awesome office environment.
Take advantage of the social conversations that can provide you tips and advice on what your doing right or wrong. As long as you take into consideration some solid tips to point you in the right direction, you’ll find your groove in no time. Everyone posts differently, which is what makes Instagram so interesting. Once you gain some followers and some confidence in your posts you’ll be an Instagram master before you know it!
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