Facebook has the power to take your business to the next level if you use it correctly. It’s a free and useful tool allowing you to be your own media outlet. Your fans on social sites sign on to be entertained and informed, not overwhelmed and bored. Here are some mistakes to avoid in order to attract and keep as many fans as you can.
Poor use of images: People are more inclined to click on a post if they’re attracted by an interesting image. Social media is a very visual tool and it’s important to take advantage of that. Using few or no images at all is not a smart use of your time. In order to become your own media outlet, snap pictures on a regular basis so you have plenty of content to work with. Make sure your images are clear and interesting unlike this image to the left. Images are an easy way to show off your products or services and when you combine them with a short amount of text you’ll have an engaging post for your followers to respond to.
Not interacting with your followers: Once you’ve managed to engage your followers enough for them to respond or comment on your posts, make sure you’re interacting with them. Humanize your brand by ‘liking’ their comments and have conversations with them. This is a no-brainer way to easily develop personal relationships with your customers which increases their loyalty to your brand.
Arguing with followers: There will always be that one follower who leaves a nasty comment, provides negative feedback or is just a tad rude. Let them say what they please but DO NOT argue back. Check out this huge mistake Amy’s Baking Company made when they let their emotions get the better of them. After your customers have voiced their concerns, express your willingness to help publicly. By addressing the issue openly, people can view how you solve problems with your customers. The most important thing to remember is that negative feedback on your social site wont do nearly as much damage as handling the situation poorly. The way Amy’s Baking Company responded to their customers went viral. This post alone was liked almost 100 times and shared 48 times. Yikes! Remember, when you become your own media outlet you develop a reputation from these sites. The better idea is to ask them to chat with you over email in order to talk through the situation privately.
Being absent: It’s the worst to seek out a company’s social site for information and find out they’ve been dormant for 6 months. That alone can be quite the turn off for customers. Social sites require you to be consistent and that consistency is what your customers will appreciate and respond to. If you disappear, your customers will likely venture elsewhere to find the answers they’re seeking.
Being too present: This no-no goes hand in hand with the previous tip. Don’t bombard your customers with posts. It’s annoying, and they’ll hate you. One of the most common reasons people un-follow a page is because too many repetitive posts are clogging up their news feeds. There’s a healthy balance between being absent and being overzealous. You want to aim to provide your customers with just enough information to keep them engaged. One post, maybe two a day is plenty for most businesses.
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