Throughout the course of a day, we make several decisions. Most of them snap judgements that need no further thought. Other times we sit and ponder what things would be like based on the selection of a particular course of action.
What will make our business click at a higher level? How can we improve the value proposition that we offer our partners? What’s the next big thing in video or social media and how do we stay ahead of it?
I have witnessed and read about the decisions of individuals that have reaped amazing results as well as those that haven’t worked out too well. One thing that I have always respected about the decision makers even in failure is that they were courageous and strong in their conviction. They owned it.
Own your decisions. Snap decisions are sometimes best, in fact most of the time your gut is correct. We tend to spend too much time evaluating what seem like big decisions rather than acting swiftly. Being too cautious about everything can hurt your productivity and drive you crazy.
Own your mistakes. There is nothing more frustrating than someone who doesn’t take responsibility for their own actions. As a business owner or decision maker, that’s part of the deal. With increased responsibility comes the need to make choices. Be careful with throwing others under the bus. Always protect your employees as they are the lifeblood of the operation.
Own getting better. There should always be a sense of urgency to the way you go about things. Urgency in self-evaluation and awareness of your surroundings is imperative. The idea that things are going well does not alleviate the need for improvement. If anything, it should mean quite the opposite. Improvement means staying in a position of productivity.
Being a Fair Friend
Own being a fair friend. Friendship or mutual respect should provide the baseline for every relationship. Take time to know those around you, especially your clients. Genuine companionship will always reinforce business and come full circle. People will always remember how you treat them. Don’t give them a choice when it comes to your character.
One thing that I didn’t mention was success. I don’t want you to own it, but I want you to certainly enjoy it. There is a certain peace of mind that comes with success, but it can also present its own peril. You can easily get caught up in it and miss critical factors in the present moment. Success on the current path doesn’t lead to long-term sustainability for the majority of us. No matter how good our services or products are, tweaks and changes will be needed at some point.
When that time comes, own it.