Do you often wonder how to maximize your investment in content marketing? Queens University is a prime example of getting the most bang for their buck, especially when it comes to video. After listening to this conversation, you are bound to learn a few tips and tricks on how to best leverage your content.

Welcome Whitney Combs to the Hive Life podcast. Whitney is a seasoned marketing professional with years of experience in the agency world. She is currently working on the client side as the Executive Director of Marketing & Communications at Queens University in Charlotte.

We sat down with Whitney to discuss the mixed use of storytelling for higher education, from long-form singular student stories to short-form content for advertising purposes. Video has played a pivotal role in showcasing the impact Queens University is making on its students.

The results of their marketing campaigns that include video have exceeded their expectations. It’s fascinating to learn the different avenues Queens has been using their video content, from admissions to fundraising events to advertising.

Thank you for joining us Whitney and giving a lot of quality information to our listeners.

Listen to the full conversation below or click here to download the podcast on iTunes!

On this episode:

Jarod Latch, Co-Founder & Director of Creative Content
Tim Baier, Co-Founder & Director of Business Development
Whitney Combs, Executive Director of Marketing Communications at Queens University of Charlotte

Meet our entire team.

Spiracle Media is a video content agency built to tell stories. Since 2011, we have been telling stories that support the voice of our partners by using our journalistic background.

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