Read Charlotte

The goal of video storytelling is to produce a compelling piece that impacts the viewer. What is the best way to accomplish that? Focus on a single character.

We partnered with Read Charlotte to follow one such character. Mary provides the main voice in this piece and effectively shares why volunteers are crucial to Read Charlotte and how this dedicated army can leave a lasting impact on a child’s life.

Read Charlotte is a ten-year (2015-2025) initiative that unites children, educators and partners to improve children’s literacy from an early age through third grade. Their goal is to double the percentage of third graders reading on grade level from 39% in 2015 to 80% by 2025.

Creative Specialist Austin Huddy joins Co-Founder Jarod Latch to discuss the thinking and execution behind the video.

The Execution

The success of this particular project stems from the work put in on the front end. Austin met with the Read Charlotte team and the main character, Mary Bowman.  The presence of the main character, who is speaking and driving the video, in the creative meetings really helped set the tone for the project. It also created a great deal of comfort before setting foot on site.

Why is pre-production a critical piece of the puzzle?

  • Meet the key characters and understand their perspective
  • Creative gets to know interviewee and vice versa, creating comfortable between all parties
  • Establish the tone and emotion that will be driving the project

behind the shot

(:45) Long intro without narration was used to bring the viewer in.
(1:26) Handheld shooting was used to create an authentic feel.
(3:20) Use of montage to show the program’s reach.

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Please take some time to tell us about your latest project or partnership that we can help you with. You can also call us at 1-844-774-7225. If this is a job inquiry, please send an email directly to