The Importance of Music Selection in Your Marketing Videos

Music is powerful. It affects our emotions and makes us feel something more when watching a video, film or tv show.  Have you ever watched a video or movie trailer on silent? If you haven’t, try it. Music changes the entire feel of the piece.

Take this video for example, the same scene with five genres of music. How did each example make you feel? Here is another example of how music dramatically affects a scene.

Music in your marketing video complements the message you’re trying to convey. Audio is a critical aspect as it sets the overall tone. Whether you’re using merely a music bed or adding natural sound or effects, it all plays a pivotal role in how you want your audience to feel. In this article, we break down why music selection is so important in marketing videos.

Music Helps to Define the Emotion

Who is your audience and what emotion do you want stirring after watching your video? What is the message you’re trying to convey? 

If your message is meant to entertain or create excitement around an event, then your music selection will most likely be more upbeat. If your video is informative, for example describing a new initiative for your business or new service line, then your music might be more subtle.

Music selection is key to the message you’re looking to communicate. Choosing a song that doesn’t fit your message will negatively affect the performance of your marketing videos.

Sets the Pace of the Video

The tempo and speed of a song sets the pace for the shots throughout the video. The pace of the music has to fit the emotion and message you’re trying to portray. Select music that matches the pace of your shot selection.

  • Slow pace adds suspense, drama and makes you think. These shots may be longer and the music accompanying it will be more dramatic and slow in rhythm. 
  • Neutral pace provides the soundtrack to a narrator or interview. It acts as a reinforcement and doesn’t necessarily create the emotion that slow or fast pace songs do.
  • Fast pace is similar to slow in the sense that it adds drama to a video. It can create excitement or suspense. The shot selection relies on quicker clips, fast paced movements or timelapse action.
Music should be background noise, not a distraction

When it comes to marketing videos, more times than not your music selection will be serving as the background. The goal of the music bed is to support your message, not take away from it. Make sure you choose a song that won’t be distracting or too loud for the viewer.

However, there are times when the song is telling the story, rather than a narrator. In this case, the music will be front and center. The piece depends on it.

AJ Chodora, Creative Video Specialist at Spiracle Media, speaks to the importance of choosing the right music for your videos. 

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