Thoughts on the First Five Years

Spiracle Media turned five years old this past March. I have no idea where the time has gone or this year for that matter! Plenty has changed since 2011 — changes that have positively impacted the product as well promoted growth from a business and personal perspective. Here are four observations from the first five.

It’s all about the TEAM

You have heard the old adage that in order to be successful, you need to surround yourself with good people. People that are more talented than you. It’s absolutely true. Spiracle is finally at a place creatively where delegating is rather painless. There are no mental strings attached. Our creative team has the talent, experience and knowledge to run with a project. I get to stand in the distance (or sit) and look forward to the result!

All efforts must PAY IT FORWARD

You must be able to work toward where you want to be rather than where you currently are. A simple marketing principle. However, adhering to it takes some discipline. This course of action includes consistent innovation, thinking and execution that are tied to strategic goals. In the beginning, we moved forward with one goal in mind, survive. Our plan of attack now includes goals that feed expansion, growth, sustainability and increased revenue.

A good PARTNER(S) is invaluable

Managing a business is hard. No one quite gets it unless you have tried on or wear entrepreneur shoes yourself. It’s deemed ‘entrepreneur island’ for a reason. I have been fortunate and blessed to have a business partner and friend like Tim Baier. We have known each other for almost a decade and have been in the trenches together since the beginning. We keep each other accountable in more ways than you can imagine and our vision of success is broadcast over the same frequency.

Building something is COOL

That’s all I have to say about that.

In closing, somebody ask me recently whether or not the anxiety of running of business ever lets up. I told them the anxiety diminishes quite a bit, but things get more complicated. Figure that one out. Maybe I’m just getting used to it. One thing I know with certainty is that working with colleagues I consider friends makes complicated all worth it. Here’s to the next five years!



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